Many times while working with excel, we are caught up in the work that we need to accomplish that we get caught out by the error messages that pop up on the screen. Usually they point out to a simple mistake that the user must have made. Let us see some of them.

Common Error Messages 

1)  #####   -This error occurs when a formula entered into a cell returns an answer that is greater  than      the width of the cell the cell itself .

2) #DIV/ 0  -This error occurs when formula divided another number of cell reference by 0 (zero)

3) # REF!  -This error occurs when a cell reference if not valid 

4) #VALUE!  -This error occurs when  you are  referencing cell with text in your formula.

5)#NA ! – This error means “NOT AVAILABLE”. This occurs when a value is not available to a function  or formula in the spreadsheet .

How To Fix The Error

The ##### Error
 For fixing this error you must resize the column width  .You can simple do it by either Drag or Double      click the boundary line between the column heading's.
The #DIV/0 ! Error
This error occurs when a formula divides by 0 (zero) or formula referring to a blank cell or a cell contains zero as a divisor .
We can fix this error by change a divisor to a number other than zero or change the cell reference .

The # REF!  Error
This error occurs when When a formula contains an improper cell reference or a cell reference is invalid.This occurs when a linked sheet is not available to a cell mentioned. For fixing this error either by  making  sure that all the linked sheets are open or attached . or change the formulas  in the linked cell.

 The  #VALUE!  Error
This this error appears when a formula refers to a cell that contains text rather than a Value. The fix for this error is usually by changing the data type [Procedure to change the data type -  right clicking the cell  then go to format cells  then click on the number ]

 The #NA ! Error
This error occurs when a value is not available to a function or formula in the spreadsheet. Commonly we appears when we use lookup functions [Vlookup /Hlookup].
I will mention how we can the  use most useful lookup functions in the coming days .
We can fix this  error by filling the missing data into the cells.

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